英語課文 《Lesson32Again,please》教學(xué)設(shè)計

英語課文 《Lesson32Again,please》教學(xué)設(shè)計

英語課文 《Lesson32Again,please》教學(xué)設(shè)計

 Lesson 32  Again ,please

      Teaching contents: Review Part 4

      Words:  (elephant   kangaroo   lion    monkey    tiger   wolf     mountain

        rock   tree  behind    in front of    inside    outside )


      Sentences:  (1.Where is _______? 及回答 2.Where does it live ?及回答

      3.Why___?Because ________.)

      Teaching  aims:

      1 能力目標:引導(dǎo)學(xué)生積極主動大膽的使用相關(guān)語言進行交際,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生用英語做事情和用英語進行交流的能力。



      Key points and difficult points:

      Words:  (elephant   kangaroo   lion    monkey    tiger   wolf     mountain

        rock   tree  behind    in front of    inside    outside )


       (Sentences:  (1.Where is _______? 及回答 2.Where does it live ?及回答 )

       Teaching aids :  Word cards,     courseware

      Teaching procedures:

      Step 1 :  Greeting and chant

      T says :Hi! Nice to meet you !   Are you happy today?  Let us say the 

      Chant“The zoo is fun" OK?

      (students do actions as they say.)


      Step 2     Play a game    (Guess,  what animal is it ?)

      Review the animal words



      favourite animal is __________.Can you tell me where does it live?找學(xué)生來回答


      Step  3       mountain  rock  tree  behind   in front of   inside  outside


      用圖片復(fù)習(xí) mountain  rock  tree  三個單詞,然后用 behind   in front of   inside 




      Step  4     Test

      Use the Activity Book and recorder

      1 . Listen, draw what you hear ,fill i n the blanks。

      2. .Listen . Circle the correct answer 。

      3.  Listen . Draw  a  picture .  Follow the directions.


      Step  5    Activities after the test.

      Exchange the Activity Books.   The students listen to the tape again and

      check for other students paper.    Circle the mistakes .



      Correct the Activity Books
