


Lesson 27: Li Ming Packs His Suitcase


教學(xué)目標(biāo):1、Students can say and aurally understand:

packing my/your/his/her suitcase

Don’t forget____.

2、Make up a dialogue about packing a suitcase

教學(xué)重難點(diǎn):1、重點(diǎn):Students can say and understand:

packing my/your/his/her suitcase

Don’t forget____.

2、難點(diǎn): 實(shí)際運(yùn)用, 能組織語言編排以打點(diǎn)行李為內(nèi)容的對(duì)話并進(jìn)行表演。

教具、學(xué)具: flashcards for clothes, a big box, draw and cut out clothes on paper,recorder, audiotape, 課件


一、Class Opening and Review:

1、Play“This That” to review demonstrative pronouns. Ask the students to get out their flashcards for clothes.

(指著自己拿的卡片): I (don’t) like this/these____.

(指著伙伴的卡片):   I (don’t) like that/those_____.

2、“This That Chant”

二、Key Concepts:

packing my/your/his/her suitcase


(1)Use a big box as a pretend suitcase, draw and cut out clothes on paper to demonstrate“packing my suitcase”.Use demonstrative pronouns to make choices about the clothes you “pack”.教師把自己需要的衣物放進(jìn)手提箱去的同時(shí)可說:I want this/that/these/those____.通過演示使學(xué)生明白該情境是在打點(diǎn)行裝。

(2)讓學(xué)生利用手中的道具:pencil case, flashcards for clothes  教師發(fā)指令, 學(xué)生做動(dòng)作并回答問題, 如 T:packing your suitcase   也可走到一位正在打點(diǎn)行裝的學(xué)生面前提問:What is he/she doing?  C:He/She is packing his/her suitcase.進(jìn)而理解:packing your/his/her suitcase

2、Use the Student Book and Audiotape:

(1)Review the story so far. Jenny, Danny and Li Ming are going on a trip to Beijing. Look at the pictures in the student book. Ask two questions:

What is Li Ming doing in this lesson?

What is Jenny doing?

Listen to the tape and answer these questions:

C1: Li Ming is packing his suitcase.

C2: Jenny is helping Li Ming.

(2)Then listen again. Remember what “a pair of”means.

屏幕出示襪子、褲子、手套、鞋的圖片,幫助學(xué)生回想 a pair of 的含義, 進(jìn)而說出: a pair of socks/pants/gloves/shoes 有學(xué)生還會(huì)回想起更多的如 a pair of jeans/glasses/shorts… 教師及時(shí)表?yè)P(yáng)。

(3)Guess what “Don’t forget____.”means.

課件出示幾個(gè)場(chǎng)景,如出示一幅離開家準(zhǔn)備上班的圖片,鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生說出:Don’t  forget your key.再比如出示下雨天場(chǎng)景, 學(xué)生說出:Don’t forget your umbrella.



男女生分配不同角色,兩組進(jìn)行比賽,喚醒學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)語言的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)意識(shí),提高學(xué)習(xí)的趣味性與自覺性。The boys will be Li Ming. The girls will be Jenny.

2、Divide the class into pairs. Ask each pair of students to make up a dialogue about packing a suitcase. One student packs and one student helps. They can use their flashcards for clothes, use a pencil case as a pretend suitcase for “packing”the clothes. Brainstorm some phrases with the students first and encourage them to experiment with different phrases:


Do you like this/that/these/those___?

Yes, please./No, thanks.

a pair of

How many ___ do you have?

Don’t forget____!


3、 Check for Understanding: 

Ask for pairs of students to present their dialogues.

四、Class Closing



 Lesson 27: Li Ming Packs His Suitcase

                   packing my/your/his/her suitcase

                    Don’t forget____.
