


lesson 24 .Again, please ?


Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aims:

a.To review mastery vocabulary of this unit.

b.To remember the sentence :from____ to____

2.Skill aims:

a. to develop Ss’abilities of listening and speaking.

b. to foster Ss’abilities of communication , their innovation

c.to train Ss’abilities of working in groups and studying in co-operate skillfully.

3.Affect:to foster Ss’consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.

Key-points: To review mastery vocabulary and sentences in this unit.

Difficult points: To finish the test by themselves.

Teaching methods

a. Communicative Approach in Presentation

b. Task-based Learning Approach in Consolidation.


Teacher’s activity and interaction   Student’s activity and interaction   Teaching aims

Class Opening

free talk:

T:How are you ,today?

T:Can you tell me ,How is the weather today?

play”Secret Word” with the story from the last lesson.

Play“Simon Says” to review the


Ss like to talk with each other.

S1:I am fine thanks .

S2:It is sunny.

Ss can do the action and read these words.



present the vocabulary of this unit.then ask the Ss to spell these words. Make sure they can say it correctly.

divide Ss into groups of four children.Play“Memorycard”.

Ss like to talk using as much  

English as possible.



Class Activity

Use the test paper in the activity book.

Stop the audiotape between the first and second time to answer any questions the students may have.

Activities after the Test

Exchange Tests And Score theListening Comprehension. (with their partners)

Collect the tests to score the rest of the test later.

Ss can fluntly say something about the story in pairs.

Ss can cooperate to do it.

They like to do it .

group work為學(xué)生提供自主學(xué)習(xí)和相互交流的機會以及充分表現(xiàn)的空間。

Class Closing

sing a song that connect closely with the unit you have just finished.


lesson 24 .Again, please ?

from____ to____
