小學(xué)英語pep第五冊recycle1教案英文版的教案 教學(xué)資料

小學(xué)英語pep第五冊recycle1教案英文版的教案 教學(xué)資料

小學(xué)英語pep第五冊recycle1教案英文版的教案 教學(xué)資料

Recycle one



(1)  能夠把前三個(gè)單元所學(xué)語言知識融會貫通,運(yùn)用到實(shí)際的語言交際中去。

(2)  能夠通過溫習(xí)舊知識開拓思維,自覺學(xué)習(xí)并運(yùn)用融合和擴(kuò)展后的新語言知識。

2 、知識目標(biāo)

(1)    復(fù)習(xí)1到3單元的語言和詞匯,要求學(xué)生做到能聽、會認(rèn),并在實(shí)際情景中準(zhǔn)確表達(dá)。

(2)    復(fù)習(xí)1?3單元Let' s learn中的四會單詞和Read and write中的四會句子,要求學(xué)生能熟練地聽、說、讀、寫。




一、教學(xué)內(nèi)容   Main scene 

 Let’s chant   Listen and circle  Let's play      


1           To review the main sentence structures in Unit 1,2 and 3.

2           Ss can chant together.


1          The use of the main sentences in the three units.

2          The pronunciation of "sometimes" and "usually".


1           Hanging picture of Let’s chant 

2           Word cards 

3           Radio and tape


1 Warm up

Let' s chant.Listen for the first time.

2 Preview 

Introduce the Willow School.

(1)             Talk about the new teachers. -------- Who's your new … teacher?What' s he / she like?Is he/ she …?  

(2)             Talk about your days of the week.-------What day is it today?What do you have on …?What about you?  

(3)             Talk about your school menu.--------What do you have for lunch on…? What' s your favourite fruit? Why?                               

3 Presentation  

Main scene.Introduce Willow School to students. Explain the new words: willow, celeryAsk and answer questions about Willow School with your partner.Let’s play.   Read the questions. Answer the questions orally. Have a match between boys and girls.   Write down the answers on your books.Let’s chant.Listen to the recording. Chant together.

4 Consolidation and extension

(1)             Ss write the answers of Let' s Play on the board.  Check the answers.

(2)             Have a match between boys and girls.

(3)             Let' s check.----------Listen and circle.

5 Homework  

Ask and answer some questions.



Read and write  Task time  Let's sing  


1           Interview a teacher or a classmate and write a report.

2           Present the description to your classmates.

3           Sing the song----My Favourite Day.


1              The use of the main sentences in the three units.

2              How to write a report and present the description..


1           Hanging picture of Read and write. 

2           Word cards 

3           Radio and tape

4           A description of a teacher.


1 Warm up

Let' s chant.Let' s sing.------My Favourite Day.

2 Preview

(1)   Spell the words in Main scene. ( Sunday to Monday, food, classes…)

(2)   Play a word game.Find the words in the letters. (uirmpoatschfl)àmath, potato, tomato, fish, tofu…(eaictvryfdoh)àFriday, active, very, day, today, …

(3)   Read and answer the questions in Let's play.

3 Presentation  

Read and write. 

(1)                                 Present the interview with computer and VCD.  New word: interview  

(2)                                 Present "school newspaper"  

(3)                                 Explain and read by yourself

4 Consolidation and extension

(1)   Fill in the blands in Read and write.  Check your answers.

(2)   Listen to the recording of Read and write.  Repeat after it.

(3)   Task time.-----------

第 三 課 時(shí)


Read and write

(2)  Pair work


1           Learn a new sentence structure: My favourite day is ….  My favourite teacher is …. and use it in real life.

2           Learn to write a letter or an E-mail in English.

3           Ask and answer questions with: Would you like some…?


1              Write a letter to Jack.

2              Answer the questions in Read and write(2).


1           Hanging picture of Read and write(2). 

2           Word cards 

3           Radio and tape


1 Warm up

Sing the song.------My Favourite Day.Chant together.

2 Preview

(1)             Spell the words in Unit 1, 2 and 3.

(2)             Make a report. Describe your teacher or classmate.

3 Presentation  

Read and write(2).  

(1)   Listen to Let's chant. T: The boy loves Saturday. His favourite day is Saturday. The girl loves Sunday. Her            favourite day is Sunday.=> What's your favourite day?                                  My favourite day is….  

(2)   T show to write an E-mail or a letter in English.  

(3)   Use the phrases to make sentences:  favourite food / fruit / day / teacher / class….  

(4)   Listen and repeat.

4 Consolidation and extension

(1)   Answer the questions in Read and write.  Check your answers with your partner.

(2)   Write a letter to Jack.  Fill the blanks.

(3)   Try to write a letter or send an E-mail to your friend or your teacher in English.

(4)   Pair work.Ask and answer questions with your partner.Would you like…?  Yes, …./  No,….