小學(xué)英語(yǔ)pep第五冊(cè)第五單元教案英文版的教案 教學(xué)資料

小學(xué)英語(yǔ)pep第五冊(cè)第五單元教案英文版的教案 教學(xué)資料

小學(xué)英語(yǔ)pep第五冊(cè)第五單元教案英文版的教案 教學(xué)資料

Unit Five My New Room


1.    能力目標(biāo)

(1)   能夠簡(jiǎn)單描述家具設(shè)備的名稱、數(shù)量及位置等,如: There are two end tables near the closet.

(2)   能夠運(yùn)用句型: Is this your bedroom? Where’s the trash bin? 等詢問(wèn),并能簡(jiǎn)單表達(dá)情感,如:It’s cool! 等。

(3)   能夠按要求用簡(jiǎn)單的英語(yǔ)較好地完成Let’s play、Talk and draw 等活動(dòng)。

(4)   能夠聽(tīng)懂、會(huì)唱歌曲“My small Bedroom”。


(1)   能夠掌握 A、B部分Let’s learn、Read and write中的四會(huì)單詞,做到會(huì)聽(tīng)、說(shuō)、讀、寫。

(2)   能夠聽(tīng)、說(shuō)、人讀A、B部分Let’s learn部分的三會(huì)單詞和Let’s talk中的句型。

(3)   能夠了解字母組合ir, ur, th的發(fā)音規(guī)律并讀出例詞。

(4)   能夠了解Story time、Good to know等部分的內(nèi)容。


(1)   情感態(tài)度:有興趣用英語(yǔ)表達(dá),能積極參與活動(dòng)。

(2)   學(xué)習(xí)策略:注重觀察比較,積極與他人合作,共同完成學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù)。

(3)   文化目標(biāo):了解幾種住宅的英語(yǔ)名稱及差異。


一、教學(xué)內(nèi)容   Main scene 

 Let’s chant   A Let' s learn   Let's playLet' s sing


1           Ss can understand , say and write the new words : mirror, curtain, closet, end table, trash bin, air-conditioner.

2           Ss can sing together?My Small Bedroom3   Sentence structures ---- Is this your…? I have…


1          Six new words in Let' s learn.

2          Sentences like " Is this your…? I have…".


1          Pictures in Let' s learn 

2          Word cards 

3          Radio and tape


1 Warm up

A game: Pass sentences one by one in each group with a low voice.

2 Preview

(1)     Listen to the recording of Book3 B Let’s do. Ss do the action.

(2)     Teacher shows the word cards and the Ss spell the words quickly: door, chair, window, desk, bed.

3 Presentation   

Let' s learn.

(1)              Draw and say the new words: mirror,  curtain,  closet,  end table,  trash bin, air-conditioner.

(2)              Teacher use the word cards to ask Ss: I have a mirror, do you have a mirror? Let Ss say the sentence: I have…

(3)              Make sentences :  I have ….

Let’s chant.

(1)                        Listen to the recording. Chant and point out the things in the room.

(2)                        T:  What can you see in Zoom’s room?    Ss:  I can see….

4     Consolidation and extension

Relay game: The first student: In my room I have a trash bin.          The second student: In my room I have a trash bin and a mirror.           ……

5 Homework  Let' s Learn.



A Let' s try  Let' s talk  Talk and draw  C Good to know  


1. Ss can understand and say----There is a…/There are…

2. Know the knowledge of “Good to know”


1.There is a …/There are…

2.I have my own room now. What’s it like?


1          Pictures in Let' s talk 

2          Word cards 

3          Recorder and tape


1 Warm up

Game: Words spelling.

2 Preview 

(1)    Let' s try: Listen and circle..   

(2)    Students talk about the different between the two picturesStudents use the sentences “I can see a … in picture1/2.

3 Presentation   

(1) Teacher draws a room on the blackboard, say: Look, this is my room .I have my own room now. Let Students read “my own room” Teacher show the other things and say: my own book / pen… Let Students show their things and say: my own…

(2) Put up the pictures and say: In my room there is a mirror.                         In my room there is a mirror.                          There are blue curtain. Students read the sentences after the teacher.

(3) Activity: Students true the word cards and say sentences:There is a. ……/ There are.

(4) Designthe room in the picture. Teacher asks: what’s it like?Students answer: there is ……/there are.

(5) Listen to the tape about Let’s talk. Then Students read after it

4          Consolidation and extension

(1)               Activity: Talk and draw.

(2)               Do some housework and express in English.

5          Homework  Let' s talk.

Unit Five  My new room

教學(xué)內(nèi)容     A Read and write Let's play  C Pronunciation      課時(shí)      3

教學(xué)目標(biāo)     Listen, read and write the sentences: There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.

教學(xué)重難點(diǎn) 1     Pronunciation of "ir" "ur" and "th".2    Sentences?Tell from “There is” and “There are”

教具      1  Pictures of Read and write2  Word cards  3  Recorder and tape


一.  Warm up Students sing the song of part C “My Small Bedroom”二.    Preview.1.     Play the “Bomb” game. Review the words: certain. Closet marrow, end table, and trash bin. Etc.2. T show two cards, let Students say the sentence: There is a … and a… 三.       Presentation1.T draw a room on the blackboard, then put up two pictures of end table and say” There are two end tables. Students learn to say. Then use other picture to do exercises.2.Activity: Listen and put up the cards.  Students learn to say: It’s on the first floor.3.Tpoint to the room in the picture to ask: what’s it like?  Students use the sentences “ There is /are” to describe.4.Tuse picture to say: This is a flat. Students learn to say “flat”.5.T shows the hanging picture and let Students listen to the tape of read and write.6.Let Students read the dialogue, and try to finish the exercises of filling the blank.7.T shows how to write the sentences.8.Pronunciation ir, ur, the class read the words together.四.Consolidation1.      Have a speaking sentences competition.2.       Game: Bingo.3.Exercise book.五. Homework        Read and write.



Unit Five My new room

教學(xué)內(nèi)容     B  Let's learn   Let's find out   C  Story time 課時(shí)        4

教學(xué)目標(biāo)     1. Four skills words---- in, on, under, behind, near.Understand and say---- over, in front of, Where’s the…? It’s…2       Learn the story.

教學(xué)重難點(diǎn) 1     Use the seven words of position.2     Say the long sentence of “There be”.

教具      1  Pictures of Let' s learn.2  Word cards  3  Recorder and tape


1 Warm upPair work: Find out the card and spell the word  2 Preview(1) Guess game: What’s in the box?(2) Put a mirror in the box and ask: Where’s the mirror?Students answer: It’s in the box. Then T put the mirror on / under the box, review the words “ on. Under”.3 Presentation   (1) Teacher puts the mirror near the box. And ay: Near. It’s near the box. Students learn to say.(2) Using other stationery to teach other words: behind, over in front of. Etc.(3) Game: order and do action: Stand behind the chair.                         Stand near the desk.(4) Pair work:①order and do action:Put your pencil in front of your book…②Ask and answer: Where is the…? It’s…(5) Game: Who can remember?(6) Activity: Pass the sentence in a low voice.(7) Students write the words in the class book.(8) To tell the story in story time.4 Consolidation and extension1.     Let’s find out. Look for the mistake and use the sentence “There be” to express.2.   Finish exercise book.5 HomeworkLet' s learn.6 Blackboard writing:Unit 5 My New RoomIn  on  under  near  over  behind  in front ofWhere’s…?It’s …



Unit Five  My new room

教學(xué)內(nèi)容     B  Let's try   Let's talk  Let’s practice   C  Task time     課時(shí)        5

教學(xué)目標(biāo)     1  Finish the activities in Task time.Understand and say the sentences---- There is a …near/…the…2  Can use the language to introduce the room.

教學(xué)重難點(diǎn) Can say and use the long sentence: “There be”.

教具      1  Pictures of Let' s talk.2  Word cards  3  Recorder and tape


1 Warm upGame: What’s missing. 2 Preview(1) Game: Listen and do actions.(2)Let’s try.3 Presentation   (1) Teacher puts a pencil on the pencil case and introduce:The pencil is on the pencil case.(2) Game: The maze.(3) Filling the blank: T write the sentence: There is a□□the□ Then T put the picture in the blank. Practice to say the sentence.(4)       Change the three pictures and let Students practice.(5) Change the sentence into:There is a □ and a □□the □.There are two □□ the □.Let Students say the long sentences.(6)Activity: Who can remember?Lead Students to use “There is / are…near/….” to express.4 Consolidation and extension(1) Let’s practice. Students describe the things in the picture in pairs.(2)   Part C. Task time. Students design their room and describe them.(3) Finish exercise book.5 Homework  Make a dialogue after Let' s talk.


Unit Five  My new room

教學(xué)內(nèi)容     B  Read and write   Let’s find out     C  Let' s check     課時(shí)        6

教學(xué)目標(biāo)     1  Listen, say, read and write the sentences: The closet is near the table. The trash bin is behind the door. Many clothes are in the closet.2 Understand and say the sentence---- What’s on the computer? I work with it.

教學(xué)重難點(diǎn) 1     Ss can use the long sentences to introduce.2    The difficult point Many clothes are in the closet.

教具      1  Pictures of Read and write.2  Word cards  3  Recorder and tape


1 Warm upGame: Teacher puts a card in a packet, and then takes it out slowly. Find out who can guess it first.

2 Preview

(1) Word-spelling competition    (2) Activity: Find out my mistake.          3 Presentation   (1) Teacher takes a card in each hand and places them in right position. Then make Students say the sentence: The air-conditioner is over the mirror. Changing the card and let Students practice.(2) Activity: Find out your position.(3) Show the hanging picture and say:Do you remember robot? He has his own room. What’s it like?What’s in it? Listen.(4) Students read the passage and try finishing the exercise of filling the blank.(5) T shows how to write the sentences.4 Consolidation and extension(1) Let’s find out: Look at the pictures and tell the difference.(2) Group work: Students take out their room photos and introduce.(3) Let’s check: Listen and tick or cross(4) Finish the activities book.5 Homework  Copy Read and write.

