英語課文 《Lesson23.AreYouReadyforaQuiz?》教案
英語課文 《Lesson23.AreYouReadyforaQuiz?》教案
Lesson 23. Are You Ready for a Quiz?
Class Opening and Review.
(1) Greeting.
(2) Chant and sing the song in this unit.
(3) Play "spell" to review the main words in this unit.
(4)Finish the quiz.
a. Use the quiz as the listening exercise. The students finish it on the paper . Play the tape twice. Then check for understanding.
b. Ask them write the answer below each question .
Story: Maddy the Monster
Listen to the radio and think about these questions
1. Is Maddy big or little?
2. Is she old or young?
3. Is she too big or just right for the classroom?
4. Is she too big or too small for the bus?
5. Where does she live?
Discuss these questions then read the story.
Use the activity book.No 2.
Ask the students to listen carefully. Play the tape twice .
Lesson 23. Are You Ready for a Quiz?
Story: Maddy the Monster
1.Is Maddy big or little?
2.Is she old or young?
3.Is she too big or just right for the classroom?
4.Is she too big or too small for the bus?
5.Where does she live?
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