My Chemistry Teacher-我的化學老師
My Chemistry Teacher-我的化學老師
My Chemistry Teacher
Liu Ming is my chemistry' teacher. He is an ordinary-looking little man with thick glasses, but he has a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.
I remembered his first lesson. He put three bottles on the desk. One was filled with kerosene, one with castor oil, and one with vinegar. And he said "Now watch carefully. Pay attention to everything that I do." He held up one of his fingers and dipped it into the cup after he mixed the three kinds of liquid in a big cup together. A few seconds later, he took his finger out, put it in his mouth and sucked it. "How delicious! You must do everything that I do." said he. And then we did it like him. lmmediately we made a face. The mixture tasted horrible.
It was first chemistry lesson. I never forget it.
- 初中英語作文范文
- 初二英語作文
- A Letter of Sympathy-一封慰問信
- About Review-關于復習
- Dolphin-海豚
- Dogs-狗
- My Chemistry Teacher-我的化學老師
- A Letter to Tom-給湯姆的一封信
- Brought Up in a Happy Family-成長在快樂的家庭里
- My Study
- 為媽媽打工-Working for My Mother
- Mom, Please Give Me More Time-媽媽,請再多給我一些時間
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- I Hope...-我希望...
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- My Teacher, Li xin-我的老師——李欣
- 家鄉(xiāng)的變化-Great Changes in My Hometown
- 老師,原來你會笑-Teacher,I Thought You Couldnt Smile
- 我的寒假生活-My Happy Times During Winter Vacation
- 我的暑假生活-My Happy Time During the Summer Vacation
- My Teacher-我的老師
- 我喜愛的老師 My Favourite Teacher
- 我的英語教師My English teacher
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- To Be a Teacher or a Businessman-當老師還是商人
- Build a Harmonious Society-建立和諧社會