英語課文 《Unit1It’sbigandlight.》教學設(shè)計

英語課文 《Unit1It’sbigandlight.》教學設(shè)計

英語課文 《Unit1It’sbigandlight.》教學設(shè)計

Unit 1 It’s big and light.

Theme: Decisions

Function: Assessing information

Target Language: Using adjectives to describe objects. It’s big and light. It’s got two pockets.

Vocabulary: light, broken/ heavy/pocket/hard

Pronunciation: /  /  /   /   /   /  /   /

Song: Mangoes and Rice


Start by revising the colours. Tell the Ss that you are going to call out a colour and they have to point at something in the room that has that colour.

(red, blue, green, black, yellow, orange, white purple, pink ect.)


1.     Look, listen and learn.

A.   Teaching the new words: broken/ heavy/ light /pocket/ big/ small/ wheel/ easy

B.    Listen to the tape and choose the new words. Play the tape again and repeat the sentences.

C.   On the board write ‘Lingling/ Ms Smart/ Salesassistant’ and after each part pause and ask the Ss who was speaking.

D.   What does Lingling need? Bag

Where are Lingling and Ms Smart? Department store

What’s the black bag like? Heavy

What’s the green bag like? Light

Which bag has got pockets? Green

Which bag has got wheels? Blue

Which bag does Lingling like? Black

Which bag does Ms Smart like? Green

Which bag do they buy? Blue

2.     Look and say:

A.   It’s heavy. It’s the green bag. ( light/red)

B.    It’s big. It’s the red kite.(small/ blue)

C.   They are new. They are the blue shoes.(old/ white)

D.   They are broken. They are the yellow pencils.(new/blue)

三、Activity book:

A. Look and write: 1. The elephant is big and heavy.

2.The bird is light and beautiful.

3.     The panda is fat.

4.     The tiger is thin.

5.     The dog is small and cut.

B. Talking about persons and animals with “ fat, thin, heavy, light, beautiful, big, small/ cute”

四、Homework: 1. Read the text and remember the new words. 2. Retell the texrt.