怎樣使用詞典-How to Use the Dictionary?
時間:2009-01-31 12:19:28
怎樣使用詞典-How to Use the Dictionary?
When you are reading something in English, you may often come across a new word. What's the best way to know it?
You may look it up in an English-Chinese Dictionary. It will tell you a lot about the word, the pronunciation, the part of speech, the Chinese meaning and also how to use this word. But how can you find it in the dictionai'y both quickly and correctly7 First, all the English words are arranged in the'alphabetical order. In the dictionary you can first see the words beginning with the letter A, then B, C, D, E,... That means, if there are two,words "desert" and "pull", "desert" will be certainly before "pull". Then if there are two words both beginning with the same letter, you may lo0k at the second letter. Then the third, the fourth, ... For example,"pardon" is before "plough", "judge" before "just",etc.
Do you understand how to look up a word in dictionary?
The dictionary will be your: good friend. I hope you'll use it as often as possible in your English learning.
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