What’s it like?

What’s it like?

What’s it like?



游戲是孩子最喜歡的活動(dòng)形式。根據(jù)這一特點(diǎn),讓幼兒通過(guò)看看、說(shuō)說(shuō)、演演的有趣形式,讓孩子們?cè)谟螒蛑羞呁孢厡W(xué),自主學(xué)習(xí)、輕松快樂(lè)地理解學(xué)說(shuō)句型What’s it like?體驗(yàn)游戲表演帶來(lái)的快樂(lè)。

活動(dòng)名稱:英語(yǔ)閱讀What’s it like?


1、繼續(xù)掌握What’s it like?的句型。





一、            Greeting:

1、Good morning boys and girls. (or: say hello to the teacher.)

2、(1)What’s the weather like today?(show the sun picture)

(2)Do you like sunny day?  Why?  Tell me the reason.

3、Let’s sing a song.(hello)

二、            Read the story:

Show:Yoyo  rabbit  doggy  piggy.

Say hello with them.

Today, I will give you a short story.

First listening:

1、  Listen to the radio.(First, please listen the radio and look at the picture.  Then guess what happen in the story.)

2、  Question: Who can tell me what happened in the story?

Second listening: Read after the radio.

三、            image:

1、  What does this circle looks like?(lemon、apple、tomato……)

2、  Game: Which is lost?

四、            Act the sto